Dealing with Us
Fortifire is a Fire, Electrical and Plumbing Services provider based in Townsville, delivering to customers throughout the region.
Whether you are an employee, subcontractor, client, or supplier, we expect you to receive professional and courteous service from our team.
In August 2021, we celebrated 10 years in business and we aim to keep improving and delivering high quality and reputable services.
In line with this commitment, Fortifire started a process in July 2021 to review and update all company Policies and Procedures to ensure they are modern, relevant and provide the right protections and confidence when dealing with us.
Here you can access the latest and current versions of some of this important information. This includes our:
– Privacy Policy Manual
– Terms of Trade
– Website Terms and Conditions of Use
– Credit Account Application
– Code of Conduct

Subcontracting with Fortifire
If you subcontract with us, there will be an onboarding process to ensure we are working competently and safely for Fortifire’s Customer’s.
This is considered vitally important at Fortifire and must be updated to maintain subcontractor status with Fortifire.
You will need to:
– Agree to our Terms of Trade
– Complete our online induction
– Complete a Subcontractor Agreement
– Provide copies of current Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance ($20 Million AUD Minimum)
– Provide evidence of Workcover or relevant Income Protection
– Provide evidence of your Company Trade Licences
– Provide evidence of each Employee’s relevant Licences – Occupational, Drivers, High Risk Work and others
– Provide evidence of each Employee’s Course in General Safety Induction (Construction)
– Provide details of your Safety Policy and Procedures
– Provide Police Checks every three years for any subcontractor employees working on Fortifire Sites
– Provide Blue Card for Working with Children for any subcontractor employees who will be working at Childcare, Education or Disability Services sites for Fortifire
– Provide evidence of 12 monthly vaccinations (Flu and COVID) for any subcontractor employees who will be working at Childcare, Aged Care or Disability Services sites for Fortifire
– Any other information deemed necessary by Fortifire
Please Contact us if you require any further information:
Unit 1/9 Keane Street
(07) 4773 4004